Prosecutor Jacek Skała: "No" to reform in the prosecutor's office without a similar reform in the courts
The codification commission at the Ministry of Justice is currently finalizing a project for a major reform of the prosecutor's office. There are to be many changes, including the unification of the prosecutor's status. What do you think about this?
I do not reject the concept of uniform status. There is one condition. Judges must have the same status. We will not allow for the separation and diversification of statuses in both professions. The rights acquired in the area of promotion of prosecutors to subsequent rates regulating financial status must also be preserved. From the information about the work of the commission, we do not hear that judges are preparing for a uniform status. I imagine it in such a way that the head of this commission, judge Krystian Markiewicz, stands at a press conference and announces a uniform status for both judges and prosecutors. Otherwise, there will be opposition from the prosecutors' community.